Bellow are some of the activities from the last few months
RealTalk Ngumba Bible Study
The RealTalk Ngumba team, under the leadership of Cyril Masinde, convenes consistently every Monday evening. This dynamic group primarily comprises longstanding acquaintances from the Ngumba estate, while also extending a warm welcome to participants from diverse backgrounds. Our gatherings provide an inclusive and supportive setting for individuals to engage in meaningful dialogues, deepen their faith, and establish enduring connections. Whether you are a longstanding resident or a recent arrival to the community, our team is dedicated to creating a space where all individuals feel valued and encouraged in their spiritual journey.
Leaders Dinner
Within RealTalk, our leadership team transcends traditional roles, fostering deep friendships grounded in a shared love for the Lord and one another. This strong bond is the foundation of our collaborative and unified approach to ministry. Recently, our team convened to chart a new vision and strategic path for RealTalk. This meeting was a significant milestone in our journey, as we sought divine guidance and inspiration for the future direction of our organization. We earnestly pray that the Lord continues to lead and empower this dedicated team as we work together to fulfill our mission and vision.
Realtalk Babadogo Day out
Our junior team members recently partook in an outdoor expedition in Juja, seamlessly blending leisure with ministry. The day was brimming with a diverse array of activities, including a scenic bicycle excursion, an invigorating round of spikeball, and profound dialogues with the local populace. Our team also seized the moment to disseminate the gospel and participate in an al fresco Bible study, nurturing both camaraderie and spiritual development. This excursion underscored our unwavering dedication to harmonizing enjoyment and faith in our ministry endeavors.
Book Launch
The launch of the Session Manual was a resounding success, marking a significant milestone in our endeavors. This event provided a valuable opportunity to celebrate the culmination of our diligent efforts and unwavering dedication. We were delighted to engage with our community and unveil the new manual, which will serve as a cornerstone resource for our ongoing initiatives.
We extend our sincere appreciation to all participants for their contributions in making the launch a memorable and impactful occasion. We eagerly anticipate the positive influence this manual will have as we continue to support and guide our students and partners on their RealTalk journey.
Student Team
Our diligent student team, under the capable leadership of Chair Ivy Mbengi, has demonstrated unwavering commitment and exceptional service over an extended period. This team plays a crucial role in guiding and coordinating RealTalk initiatives across prominent institutions such as Kenyatta University, Zetech University, Jomo Kenyatta University, and the University of Nairobi. Through their dedicated efforts, they ensure the effective communication and implementation of our mission and vision, fostering a robust and supportive student community.
ED around Africa
Our Executive Directors, Musita Cyril and Zachary Beazsley II, recently undertook a strategic 12-day expedition spanning South Africa, Tanzania, and Western Kenya. The primary objective of this mission was to evaluate potential avenues for expanding RealTalk's operational footprint and ministry outreach in these regions. Through active engagement with local communities, academic institutions, and religious leaders, Cyril and Zachary endeavored to cultivate partnerships, pinpoint opportunities for collaboration, and establish a robust framework for future initiatives.
Their journey was characterized by fruitful dialogues and profound exchanges, underscoring our steadfast commitment to fostering a Christ-centered, scripture-driven community. We are optimistic that their endeavors will yield substantial growth and advance the divine work in these regions, as we persist in equipping and empowering students and young adults to become ambassadors of discipleship across Africa and beyond.